In my opinion, I feel that sometimes we do need the government, but at the same time I also feel that we kind of don’t need it at the same time. We need the government to ensure our safety from terrorists and war, but we also don't need it if we are going to have a dictator president like President Snow. President Snow controls everything that is going on in Districts 1-12 and in The Capitol. His government ensures that The Hunger Games happen every year. During the first movie, he had Seneca Crane killed for having there be two victors of The Hunger Games instead of there being one. The victors were told if they win the games, then they would be free to live their lives in peace, yet the 75th Hunger Games showed us how the government lied to their tributes and victors. After analyzing the movies The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, I realized that our government and the government shown in the movies are kind of similar. In Catching Fire, The Capitol was trying hard to hide the truth of all the riots and rebellions going on in all 12 Districts. I feel like our own government is doing the same to us because they do not want us to be worried or scared about what is going in the world. The Hunger Games showed a lot uprisings and riots against the government and there has been riots against our own government and other governments around the world. However, this is just my opinion on why we do or don't need the government.